Otvorene prijave na studij “Automotive Computing and Communications”

Otvorene prijave na studij “Automotive Computing and Communications”

Fakultet elektrotehnike, računalstva i informacijskih tehnologija Osijek otvorio je prijave na diplomski sveučilišni studij “Automotive Computing and Communications” na engleskom jeziku.

Automotive Computing and Communications is a part-time Master’s (Graduate) Study Programme taught in English. The number of contact hours is less than usual since this is a part-time study programme offering students more free time for independent study under the guidance of FERIT’s teachers and partner companies. The flexibility of this study model makes it an ideal solution for professionals looking to enhance their practical skills through a programme they can adapt to their work and personal life.Our part-time study master’s (graduate) study programme in Automotive.

Partneri studija su renomirane kompanije poput RT-RK Osijek, Rimac Automobili, Yazaki, AVL AST, Xylon i GlobalLogic.

Prijave su otvorene do 26. kolovoza 2019.

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