Intervju izvršnog direktora IRO-a u magazinu Forum (EAIE)

Intervju izvršnog direktora IRO-a u magazinu Forum (EAIE)

European Association for International Education (EAIE) objavila je u svojem novom broju magazina Forum intervju s Ninoslavom Šćukanecom Schmidtom, direktorom IRO-a, o važnosti društvenog angažmana u visokom obrazovanju.

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“For professionals working on community engagement in European higher education, the Institute for the Development of Education in Croatia is blazing important new trails. As Founder and Executive Director of the Institute, Ninoslav Šćukanec Schmidt has been intimately involved in important initiatives like the TEFCE Toolbox and the push for more qualitative and bottom-up approaches to community engagement. In our conversation, he espouses an optimistic view of the coming decade for universities and their positive engagement with society.”