U.S. Mobility Micro-Grants 2024 Competition for Croatian Students

Photo by Isabella Fischer on Unsplash

U.S. Mobility Micro-Grants 2024 Competition for Croatian Students

U.S. Mobility Micro-Grants

2024 Competition for Croatian Students

Call for Applications


The Institute for the Development of Education (IDE) and the United States Embassy in Zagreb are pleased to announce the competition for U.S. Mobility Micro-Grants open for Croatian high school and university students wishing to continue their studies in the U.S.

The program is intended to alleviate the financial burdens related to the application process for accredited U.S. higher education institutions, such as various administrative costs related to applications to U.S. higher education institutions and/or visa applications.



  • Candidates must have Croatian citizenship and permanent residency in Croatia.
  • Candidates must be
    • Students in their junior or senior year of high school in Croatia or
    • Students who are already enrolled in or have recently completed a bachelor study program in Croatia.
  • Candidates must have a strong academic record.
  • Preference will be given to candidates from low-income families and from areas of special state concern (područja posebne državne skrbi; for more information please see: http://bit.ly/2WpZn5I), and to applicants who have not previously studied or lived abroad for an extended period of time.



  • Candidates already living in the United States or individuals with dual U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent residence status are not eligible to apply for micro-grants.
  • Current employees of IDE and the U.S. Embassy in Zagreb, as well as their relatives, are not eligible to apply for micro-grants.



As part of this program, one $800 micro-grant will be awarded.

U.S. Mobility Micro-Grants may be used to cover the following:

  • Standardized test fees
  • Translations, certifications and credential evaluations of the student’s official documents and records
  • SEVIS fee
  • Application fee to accredited U.S. higher education institutions
  • Visa issuance fee
  • Travel expenses to/from the testing center
  • Travel expenses to/from the U.S. Embassy where the visa interview will be held, and/or
  • Overnight accommodation in case the testing site/Embassy is located far from the student’s home.

The micro-grant may be used to cover the aforementioned expenses incurred from the date of receiving the micro-grant.



All information for applicants and the application form are published on the IDE website: www.iro.hr and the U.S. Embassy in Croatia website: hr.usembassy.gov/. The deadline for submitting the application is November 7th, 2024.

In addition to filling out the application form linked below, all other required documents (see section Required Documents below), must be sent by e-mail to iro@iro.hr within the given deadline.

Applications will be pre-screened for formal requirements. Only complete applications will be assessed and given over to the IDE Committee for evaluation.



Applicants have to provide the following documents:

  • Completed U.S. Mobility Micro-Grants Application Form, which also includes an essay (for more information see section Essay Guidance below). To fill the Application Form please use the following link: APPLICATION FORM
  • Proof of citizenship (passport/ID copy with photo)
  • Certificate of state graduation exam (svjedodžba o državnoj maturi, requirement for applicants who are university students)
  • Official transcript of study results (high school students must submit a transcript for all completed years in high school and university students must submit a university transcript which shows all program subjects and grades achieved)
  • Parents’/guardians’ income statements for the previous three months.


  • Proof of any academic and non-academic awards (e.g. subject-specific exams, awards from athletic events or extracurricular activities) or volunteering activities

Please note: All documents may be submitted in Croatian, except for the Application Form, which must be completed in English. Submitted application materials will not be returned.




Applicants should give careful consideration to the preparation of the essay which is part of the application form (see document U.S. Mobility Micro-Grants Application Form).

In the essay, they should present themselves and set out in their own words the reasons for wishing to study in the U.S., their motivation, colleges and study programs they intend to apply to, their plans for the future, and why they think the micro-grant should be awarded to them.

The essay should be 300-400 words long.



The competition is open from October 18th 2024 to November 7th 2024.

Contact: Barbara Bubalo, bbubalo@iro.hr , +38514555151

A confirmation of receipt will be sent to the email address stated in the application.



The selection procedure includes two stages:

  1. Review of complete applications by IDE Committee
  2. Interview of the best-ranked preselected students (in person or virtual).

Note: Applicants will receive additional points if they attend U.S. study-related advising sessions organized by IDE either in person or online. Grantees will also be required to attend any advising sessions organized for them after the award of the micro-grants.



Approved applicants will receive written communication of the decision of the Committee by the end of November.

The notification of acceptance will contain a deadline by which all grantees should send a report about how the money was/is being spent, as well all required documentation as proof that the micro-grant was used for the purposes stated above (see section Financial Terms).

In case the student cannot prove that the micro-grant was used for the said purposes, the amount awarded will have to be reimbursed.



Competition open: October 18th 2024 – November 7th 2024

Pre-selection round results and interviews: from November 11th, 2024

Publication of results: end of November 2024


Applicants provide personal information to IDE when they enter the competition. IDE collects this information and uses it to administer this competition. IDE may use an applicant’s personal information for the purposes of reporting or publicizing the applicant as a winner of this competition, including in any publicly available or reported winners list. Learn more in our Privacy Policy available at http://en.iro.hr/privacy-policy/.